Akonadi with SQLite3 (was: Re: New Install: AKONADI wit PostgreSQL)

Erik Quaeghebeur mail.kde.org at equaeghe.nospammail.net
Mon Feb 21 10:43:58 GMT 2022

> Erik, still faring good with SQLite3? Anyone else using it? What are the 
> experiences?

The same as before: I have issues, but those all seem sync-related (dirty 
entries from time to time that can be painful if one doesn't clean them up 
quickly; I have akonadiconsole open all the timeā€¦).

For the rest, it seems to do the job at least as well as MySQL did, but 
that is already some years ago now. For a 55000-message mailbox, it takes 
about 7 second to open in. (Why it takes that long is likely because KMail 
loads everything in there, and so searching/filtering then becomes 
essentially immediate.)



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