Akonadi with SQLite3 (was: Re: New Install: AKONADI wit PostgreSQL)

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Mon Feb 21 10:08:34 GMT 2022

Hi Erik, hello everyone,

Erik Quaeghebeur - 01.01.21, 16:43:01 CET:
> On donderdag 31 december 2020 12:39:51 CET, Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > I think it is too much to ask from the user of a PIM suite to deal
> > with database administration tasks of any kind. […]
> I agree. That is why I switched to the SQLite backend (it, also, is an
> improvement over the default MySQL). There are all kinds of warnings
> strewn around the internet that it isn't up to the task for Akonadi,
> but any issues I have are never reducible to SQLite. It's (failed)
> syncing to and from the remote that typically causes problems for me,
> because Akonadi doesn't seem capable of recovering. (It seems to use
> some out-of-database files thrown into the configuration directory
> for the backlog of unsynced local stuff…)
> A PIM suite needs some database backend for searching and filtering.
> But something like SQLite should be up to the task in the
> single-user-at-a-time case. (‘Ad’ from sqlite.org: “For device-local
> storage with low writer concurrency and less than a terabyte of
> content, SQLite is almost always a better solution. SQLite is fast
> and reliable and it requires no configuration or maintenance. It
> keeps things simple. SQLite "just works".”) It is used in many
> applications that put quite some load on it. It includes many
> features that could be leveraged (views, triggers, full text search,
> json fields).
> Focusing on just one database engine (SQLite, effectively an industry
> standard for non client-server relational databases) could reduce the
> maintenance burden on the developers and the upgrade woes of users,
> and could allow for using functionality specific to that engine that
> otherwise requires extra dependencies or custom code.

I consider switching, after having read here recently that with 
PostgreSQL 14 things became very slow.

I am just kind of fed up with Akonadi anyway, and if that removes a bit 
of the maintenance cost, I am all for it.

Erik, still faring good with SQLite3? Anyone else using it? What are the 

So far I only used SQLite3 for empty (unused) instances of Akonadi like 
for example on my Hi-Fi = music playback laptop or on a ThinkPad tablet.


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