kmail has messed up the email accounts

test test at
Mon Jun 8 14:12:09 BST 2020

On Sat, 2020-06-06 at 17:21 +0000, Paul Vixie wrote:
> On Saturday, 6 June 2020 14:15:32 UTC test wrote:
> > On 6/3/20 11:21 AM, Anders Lund wrote:
> > > Please stop. Find a mail client that suits your needs better, og live
> > > with
> > > spending the few minutes to set up kmail to your likings, it is
> > > really not
> > > that hard!
> > 
> > Please tell me how to do that.  I have asked several times how to do
> > that.  Currently, I can not set up anything in kmail because it only
> > shows a dialog saying it doesn't work and then quits or crashes.
> i think an oddball dialog box followed by a crash is worth knowing more
> about. 
> however, this thread has distracted from the basic facts of your case.
> have 
> you heard about
> and if so do you have a bug report number to share?

Yes; last time I tried to log in, it said it doesn't know my account
anymore.  Bugs reported previously were alwas ignored, so there seems no
point in trying again.

>  if you can take screen 
> shots of the dialog box and the crash report or stack trace, and describe
> the 
> actions you took to reach that crash, and the version numbers of your OS,
> your 
> KDE, and your KDE PIM... then someone here may be able to fix a real bug,
> or 
> offer you a workaround.

Like I said, I deleted (yet again) all files related to akonadi and kmail I
could find, and the so-called identities were still there, though in some
broken state.  I reconfigured them and it never worked right, and finally
messages I sent didn't show up, so I ran akonadictl fsck.  Since then,
kmail only shows the message in the attachment.

> i had stopped using KMail for several years after the Akonadi change,
> because 
> i could not get work done.

I have been waiting 20 years or so for kmail to become usable and only
tried it this year.  It matured to where I really like it --- if only it
would work.

>  it wasn't until i started using Suse Tumbleweed 
> that it worked at all. it's a rolling distribution that replaces every
> cell in 
> its body twice a week with tip-of-branch on all components, thus, it has
> the 
> latest KDE PIM. debian (devuan), freebsd, and other Suse distros are
> months or 
> years behind. this mattered a lot in my case.

I think the last version of Suse I used was 6.4.  KDE didn't exist yet.

> but i still had to run "akonadictl fsck" several times a day, and delete
> my 
> whole database several times per month, until i switched from mysql to
> pgsql.
> so, while i've questioned your choice of words in this thread, i do not
> argue 
> against your basic message that this software is rickety. if i weren't
> an 
> addict, or if PGP integration weren't a must-have, i would explore 
> alternatives.

Kmail is not the only MUA supporting gpg.  Thunderbird, and probably
seamonkey, do that since 15 years or so since someone created Enigmail.
 Evolution also seems to support it, i. e. there are menue entries for it,
though I never tried.

>  if i could figure out how to set up a build environment, i'd try 

Is that so difficult?  If you use Debian, you should be able to install
some packages and be able to compile it using those (though it gets
unwieldy when you try to create Debian packages, I guess).  The same goes
for Gentoo where you won't have KDE at all unless you compile it all.  I
don't know how you would do it with Centos or Fedora; there probably is a
way.  And I haven't figured out what arch does, do they compile everything
(or lots) from source, or does it install pre-compiled packages?

> to learn C++ well enough to contribute code. (hint, it's not as much like
> C as 
> its name would indicate!)

Yes, and to make it more difficult, there a quite a few different versions
of C++ as it's evolving over time.  That doesn't mean it would be too
difficult to modify stuff, though kmail probably depends so heavily on
akonadi that it's not so easy to remove.

> do share the details of your crash, via the bug report page shown above.
> there 
> are some very strong experts here, as well as a few addicted power users
> like 
> myself who may have faced what you're facing and merely forgotten what we
> had 
> to do to work around that problem.

If I only knew _all_ the files I need to delete, I'd just start over.  All
messages are on IMAP servers, and I switched to imapfilter for filtering
because it's independant of the MUA, so kmail doesn't need to and shouldn't
need to store anything other than the login and server information required
to access and send the messages.

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