Encrypt some emails

Sascha Manns Sascha.Manns at mailbox.org
Mon Oct 24 17:06:15 BST 2016

Hi Werner,

Am Montag, 24. Oktober 2016, 17:52:40 CEST schrieb Werner Joss:
> Am Montag, 24. Oktober 2016, 11:40:27 schrieb Michael Mol:
> > So you want to take a message that exists in an IMAP folder, encrypt the
> > body,  and replace the existing message?
> > 
> > I don't know if any existing tools that will do that for you
> same here :)
> but, I also have sometimes the intension of encrypting some existing emails.
> usually I collect them in a folder and export that via kmail's export
> feature to a tar.bz2 file which is then encrypted with kgpg.
> then I delete the mails in the kmail folder.
> if needed, I can always decrypt the file and re-import it,
> or just browse the unpacked files.
> not exactly intuitive, some steps required, but I can live with that, given
> this ist not a day-to-day need.
That can be a good way. I'll test it out. 
Thanks :-)

Sincerly yours

Sascha Manns
Maifeldstraße 10
56727 Mayen
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Email: Sascha.Manns at mailbox.org
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GPG: 645A18FC6B573A7BE6E95150752763E8BFA83A2C @ hkp://keys.gnupg.net
S/MIME: C57921ED8F7535B08DC6D14BF11CD19BF9E8ED5C @ cacert.org
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