"Problem adding effect to clip"

Camille camille.moulin at free.fr
Tue Jul 6 19:57:59 BST 2021

Le 06/07/2021 à 05:32, amindfv at mailbox.org a écrit :
> [...] Can anyone confirm they have Movit transitions working with a recent Kdenlive version? (Or confirm they have Movit effects but not transitions on a recent version).

Yes they kind of work, but are still unstable. When you enable Movit, 
you've got this unambiguous warning : "Experimental GPU processing 
enabled - not for production"

One thing that may help you with performance problems in the new 
versions is subresolution preview in the monitor (menu at the bottom 
left). You can test that in the appimage to see  if that is relevant for 
your configuration.

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