Clip monitor "Multitrack view" rendered into final file

DogFilm videobrain at
Tue Sep 24 11:47:49 BST 2019

It is difficult to compete because the skills needed are missing, not
"because open source".
Like a guy on a bike trying to fly to the moon.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 12:36 PM jdd at <jdd at> wrote:

> Le 24/09/2019 à 12:11, DogFilm a écrit :
> > Oh, you have no time teaching me, I understand. Makes me very sad.
> you are welcome to ask for help, but there are here no paid people for
> this job.
> So you tune may upset most of us.
> kdenlive is a very hard work for a very small team, mostly working at
> free time. You may also try cinelerra or blender.
> I try to use open source software as much as I can, and used kdenlive
> for around 10 years, now, but when major company pushes it's product
> like DaVinci Resolve now (free version), it's difficult to compete.
> That said I use extensively the ffmpeg scripts as soon as the first edit
> is done
> jdd (not involved at all in kdenlive development)
> --
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