how to get a log ?

Vincent Pinon vpinon at
Sat Dec 7 07:32:50 GMT 2019

Normally for a crash on Linux, DrKonqi (KDE Crash handler) should pop-up and offer to get a backtrace to send to devs via kde bugtracker... If you are not in KDE environment maybe you need to install DrKonqi ?
If this particular PC crashes, maybe it has a different graphic card & driver ?



Le samedi 7 décembre 2019, 02:57:05 CET farid abdelnour a écrit :

Hi Loïc

Kdenlive is installed on many machines at school but it crash on one of them.

I am guessing you are running Linux since you mention Flowblade below, so which distribution? Which version of Kdenlive? Is it AppImage, PPA, distro package? Which MLT version is distro package?

If I understand correctly it is happening only with one machine? It must have the same hardware as the rest right?  Since you 

As soon I try to display something on the monitor (even a simple generated color), it crash.

Do you have GPU processing turned on? Can you maybe reset all of Kdenlive's configs. Go to Help -> Reset configuration and see here as well:[1]

Can you compile it and run it with GDB? See here:[2]

Otherwise just run it from the terminal and see if it gives a clue. 


 Let us know how that goes...

1111.1010.r.i.1101|n.o.i.s.1110|i.m.1010.g.1110|مقاومةfsf member #5439usuario GNU/Linux #471966|_|0|_||_|_|0||0|0|0|<a href="[3]">gunga</a><a href="[4]">tempoecoarte</a>
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