how to get a log ?

lv at lv at
Sat Dec 14 18:43:16 GMT 2019


Indeed, I reset Kdenlive configs and it works. 

I think the reason was because Kdenlive was initialized with the Nouveau
driver on the system. 

Then, when switched to Nvidia prorietary driver, the config was broken. 

Thanks for you help. 


Le 2019-12-07 02:57, farid abdelnour a écrit :

> Hi Loïc 
>> Kdenlive is installed on many machines at school but it crash on one of 
>> them.
> I am guessing you are running Linux since you mention Flowblade below, so which distribution? Which version of Kdenlive? Is it AppImage, PPA, distro package? Which MLT version is distro package? 
> If I understand correctly it is happening only with one machine? It must have the same hardware as the rest right?  Since you 
>> As soon I try to display something on the monitor (even a simple 
>> generated color), it crash.
> Do you have GPU processing turned on? Can you maybe reset all of Kdenlive's configs. Go to Help -> Reset configuration and see here as well: 
>> When I import a clip (I try with many formats : MP4, Apple Prores, 
>> DnxHD,...) and wait for a few seconds, it crash... (without trying to 
>> display it on the monitor)
>> I've checked with Flowblade (also based on MLT) and it works.
>> Is it possible to run Kdenlive with a --debug property or get a log file 
>> to check where it can come from ?
> Can you compile it and run it with GDB? See here: 
> Otherwise just run it from the terminal and see if it gives a clue. 
>> Thanks
> Let us know how that goes... 
>> Loïc
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