Installing Kdenlive-git from AUR on Arch not installing essential dependencies

Evert Vorster evert.vorster at
Fri Nov 18 21:30:22 UTC 2016

Hi there, Jesse. 

Arch is primarily a lightweight no-nonsense distribution. The package manager is driven from the terminal, and installing a package from aur "the Arch way" already involves quite a bit of typing, and a sharp learning curve. More like a wall. :P

Adding in any dependency that is not strictly required as a non-optional is frowned upon in the community.

I believe the stable (non-git) version of kdenlive also does not pull in breeze and frei0r. It does not even pull in ffmpeg! 

When using Arch's package manager you are told that there are optional packages when you install kdenlive, and whether they are installed or not. 

A lot of the wrappers around the Arch pacman do the same. (I use yaourt)

I use the Breeze dark theme myself, have everything and the kitchen sink installed... I need about 100Gb of disk space for the OS to run Arch the way I like, but that's because I like it like that. 

The free software movement is firstly about choice of the user, and that spirit is strong in Arch.
We try to accommodate everybody. :)


18.11.2016, 21:02, "Jesse DuBord" <jesse.dubord at>:
> Thanks for the reply Evert. All fair points. I have a better
> understanding of how a non-optional dependency is defined, now.
> I suppose I see it as a user-friendliness issue. When installing
> Kdenlive out-of-the-box, currently on Arch, it doesn't have the same
> consistent (dare I say "intended") look, and the effects and transitions
> lists are much fewer without the frei0r-plugins package. Many users
> might not even be aware that there are a lot more FX and transition
> options available with this package installed, nor would they even know
> that they have to install this additional package to get there, you know?
> I'm simply thinking about user-friendliness, convenience, and a more
> complete out-of-the-box experience without extra steps needed by the
> user. Certainly not saying how things should be done, but just giving
> some input that might be of help in improving Kdenlive for some users.
> Completely understand where you're coming from, though. :)
> Cheers mate!
> On 11/18/2016 12:53 PM, Evert Vorster wrote:
>>  Hi there, Jesse.
>>  I maintain both the kdenlive-git and kdenlive-applications-git
>>  packages in Arch.
>>  The software functions without these packages installed, which means
>>  that they are optional. I was asked specifically to make these
>>  packages optional.
>>  There are some users that do not want to install the whole kde just to
>>  have a good video editor. Breeze is quite a large download for someone
>>  on dial-up, for instance.
>>  I am not in the business of telling people how to use their computers,
>>  and if some people want to use kdenlive without the above-mentioned
>>  packages installed, it is possible. Making a package non-optional
>>  removes that possibility, and is not a very nice thing to do to quite
>>  a surprisingly large group of people.
>>  So, yes there is a way, but no, I am not going to do it.
>>  Kind regards,
>>  Evert
>>  On 18/11/2016, Jesse DuBord <jesse.dubord at> wrote:
>>>  I'd noticed during a test build & install of Kdenlive-git from AUR on
>>>  Antergos (Arch Linux) that it doesn't install the breeze, oxygen-icon or
>>>  frei0r-plugins packages by default, which eliminates the possibility of
>>>  the new dark default Breeze look after install as well as some icons and
>>>  effects.
>>>  Evert, I believe you have some part in the packaging for the git master
>>>  build on AUR, yeah? Is there a way these packages could be added as
>>>  dependencies, and not optional ones? Does anyone disagree that these
>>>  should be recognized as non-optional dependencies for Kdenlive to
>>>  function as expected?

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