[Kdenlive-devel] Kdenlive Funding structure - paying developers feature by feature

Christ-Jan Wijtmans cj.wijtmans at gmail.com
Tue Dec 3 16:47:29 UTC 2013

As i understand it currently KDEnlive was under a refactoring/rewrite so
the code is currently broken. I havent looked at the branches and if it can
be continued from a branch. This project seems very nice however in this
case i feel like it needs some rewrites before features can be added. How
does this project deal with rewrites as obviously they are not added
features? I hope someone more knowledgeable about kdenlive can give more
information though.

Live long and prosper,

Christ-Jan Wijtmans

On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 2:44 PM, Anna Morris <gingerling at inventati.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> Firstly, I am a big Kdenlive fan. I co-authored a manual
> http://www.flossmanuals.net/how-to-use-video-editing-software/ on the
> subject last year and use kdenlive for my many video projects (so I am
> not spam, lol)
> I am working with Open Funding http://funding.openinitiative.com/ to
> assist developers to get crowd funding for Free Software. Open Funding
> works on a feature by feature basis. For example the core-team at gimp
> are funding a symmetry painting feature at the moment
> http://funding.openinitiative.com/funding/1578/
> I am not sure how or if Kdenlive is funded at the moment, but I would
> very much like to assist any developer(s) who has an idea for a new
> feature to earn a little money to build it. Also, if you don't need/want
> to earn money for your work, you could always donate the funds to the
> project in general.
> This small scale funding is a great way for users (like myself) to give
> back, which they are often eager to do, but in a way which is very
> concrete, forward thinking and achievable. Its much simpler to set up
> than a large kickstarter campaign and is more deeply routed in the
> function of the software.
> Please let me know what you think and if you are interested in getting
> funding this way, either as a group of core-developers or, if not, as an
> individual developer.
> Thanks
> Anna Morris
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