[Kdenlive-devel] Fwd: Re: Rendering dialog redesign

Gabriel Gazzán gabcorreo at gmail.com
Fri Jul 1 15:52:07 UTC 2011

I'm in debt for a review also, since a long time now. sorry for that.

I tend to see the proposals as a bit too complex for an average user, and
perhaps a little untidy in its organization as well.
In my opinion, it'd be good if options could be progressively presented to
the user, by the time he/she needs them.
And would also be good that the options be arranged matching the decision
process when chosing exporting options, that is selecting:
- File Format
- Video Codec (and its basic settings)
- Audio Codec (and its basic settings)
- then other more fine grained details, which could be considered "advanced"

Last, I'd like to see a tab where the novice user could comfortably select
between the most common Presets for rendering without being forced to make
decisions he/she don't understand (or want!).
So a good and simple Presets section would be important I think. And the
fact that this tab would be the one that is visible when you go to export,


2011/7/1 Hugh Tebby <hugh.tebby at gmail.com>

> Hi everyone,
> I've just seen these emails and wanted to give some feedback on the
> mockups.
> Here how I think it could look like, based on last proposition from JB :
> http://www.kdenlive.org/sites/default/files/images/kdenlive-rendering-dialog-v2.3-main.png
> Basically I found that the tabs on the right didn't really integrate well
> in the current interface. I just took the same tabs we have now and added
> them at the top.
> I added two "presets" buttons, where basically clicking the "load preset"
> would show something looking like the current preset selection (with
> categories and many choices available). The "save preset" would overwrite
> the current preset (after asking the user to confirm) or ask for a new and
> category to save.
> It would maybe but useful to have the name of the current preset or "no
> preset selected" displayed next the buttons, maybe as an editable field...
> Concerning the favorites, I'm not sure how useful they would be... Actually
> I haven't yet had any need for favorites in Kdenlive and I haven't found out
> how they work (I usually create custom profiles or just pick one that suits
> my project). But I think they should be added to the "select preset"
> interface and not be in a separate tab.
> Any thought ?
> Cheers,
> Hugh
> 2011/6/12 jb <jb at kdenlive.org>
>> On Saturday 11 June 2011 19:53:28 Dan Dennedy wrote:
>> > On Sat, Jun 11, 2011 at 5:53 AM, Simon Eugster <simon.eu at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > >
>> http://granjow.net/uploads/kdenlive/kdenlive-rendering-dialog-v2.1-favs.p
>> > > ng
>> > >
>> http://granjow.net/uploads/kdenlive/kdenlive-rendering-dialog-v2.1-main.
>> > > png
>> >
>> Thanks Simon for the redesign ideas. Here are some comments:
>> First of all, sorry but I am not really a fan of background colors
>> (yellow,
>> grey and green). I find them disturbing and they don't really have a
>> meaning.
>> * Presets page:
>> - It's not clear how to use a preset for rendering. I think the lower part
>> from the main Rendering tab should be visible on the Presets page too (I
>> mean
>> the output file name and the "Generate script" and "Render to file"
>> buttons).
>> - Our current render dialog currently contains over 50 "rendering
>> presets". So
>> it's not really like the 5 presets presented in your picture. How do we
>> manage
>> it if there is no hierarchical structure in the presets view. Having a
>> list of
>> 50 items is not great. Maybe we could have a configure dialog that allows
>> user
>> to show / hide the presets, so that he can see only the ones he really
>> uses?
>> * Rendering page:
>> - The layout is not very clear. Here is a quickly modified version that
>> shows
>> something cleaner I think (and slighlt more compact):
>> http://kdenlive.org/images/tmp/kdenlive-rendering-dialog-v2.2-main.png
>> I also agree with Dan that we should only display extra parameters in the
>> "MLT
>> additional params" box, see my screenshot.
>> Also, I guess the "star" button is here to create favourites? As Dan
>> proposed,
>> I think favourites could be shown on the preset's page since they a re
>> kind of
>> personal presets.
>> * Scripts and Queue pages:
>> - Ok for me, but I am not sure about the "blue box" to show the curently
>> selected item. As previously said, I think we should try to keep a look
>> and
>> feel that is consistant with the Desktop interface.
>> Regards
>> jb
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