[Kdenlive-devel] New Icon?

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Fri May 1 18:54:17 UTC 2009

2009/5/1 amir sher <amir_in at netvision.net.il>:
> Dan Dennedy wrote:
>> 2009/4/29 amir sher <amir_in at netvision.net.il>:
>>> 1. I made a oxygen kdenlive icon just to see how hard it is (combined 2
>>> other icons...) thats looks like the old one. I'm pretty sure that the
>>> oxygen icon team will gladly help.
>> I like this and the variation submitted by Salvatore. I think both of
>> them look a little zoomed-out tho - maybe the middle frame in the film
>> strip looks a bit long. I was thinking it would be nice to see a
>> variation of the existing icon but with different coloring and
>> shading. I think this comes close, but I would like to hear from
>> others.
> made a new version.

I prefer the old tape because I do not like the jarring torn ends, and
the orange-pink color stands out more, but I do not know which is more
typical. Also, the spoke holes should be closed, no?


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