[Kdenlive-devel] Fedora packaging

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Fri Mar 13 16:45:47 UTC 2009

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 12:28 AM, Zarko Pintar <zarko.pintar at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think that it can be possible only if mlt will use ffmpeg like plug-in (in
> special RPM package) and not like now, under precompiled build.
> So, I'll start work on frei0r and his dependencies...and I can put he post
> on mlt's Bug List that we want build mlt with ffmpeg and put them (and
> kdenlive in near future) on rpm-fusion repo.

I am struggling to understand the issue and your question - not as
disagreement, just communication. Currently, you can build MLT without
the avformat (ffmpeg) module, and you can edit DV, images, and Ogg
Vorbis. It is also possible to separately build the avformat module.
It is also possible to build avformat and just get some of the utility
functions and no codecs/muxers and to build another module with only
the codecs/muxers. In all cases, module == plugin - dynamically


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