[Kdenlive-devel] GUI

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jan 5 12:11:10 UTC 2003

On Sunday 05 Jan 2003 11:32 am, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> On Saturday 04 January 2003 03:06 pm, Jason Wood wrote:
> > Could you commit recent piave changes to CVS at the next opportunity? I
> > want to test some areas of the Kdenlive communication code - specifically
> > the problem with file durations not being updated correctly, and it will
> > be easiest if I am using the most curernt version of piave.
> Hi all,
> I finally managed to commit the last changes, sorry for tghe delay. I hate
> floppy discs!!!! Well.. anyway, here we go...

Woohoo! Tried it, it's working great!

> Since there are still many bugs in piave I have not made a new release, you
> need to checkout the HEAD. Two known major bugs are:

> - when the timeline does not start with a av-clip (but with an empty frame)
> and you hit 'play' piave crashes.

> - if you just insert and arrange clips in the timeline, everything seems to
> work (even with gaps), but if you start cutting clips and rearrange them,
> piave does not show what is shown in the timeline. This is probably a bug
> in piave, maybe connected with unalligned clips bounds.

Whilst piave should be tolerant to them (since we are working with doubles 
rather than integers), if you come across any glaringly obvious bugs then let 
me know.

I know of one case at the moment - if you put a clip on the timeline, turn 
"snap to frame" off and move the clip slightly, turning "snap to frame" back 
on will not let you align the clip back to a frame border.

> please check it out and describe cases where you get crashes.

I notice that even if installed, piave needs to be started from the /piave 
directory, otherwise it gives the following message :

kdenserver.cc:403 WARNING: window not resizable
kdenserver.cc:419 WARNING: Can't find "resources/piave_logo_2.png"
kdenserver.cc:337 WARNING: VEML command didn't return ok

and doesn't create a video window (or creates a video window and exits 
immediately?) Or does something it's not supposed to anyway ;-)


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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