[Kdenlive-devel] GUI

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Jan 4 14:06:17 UTC 2003

On Friday 03 Jan 2003 9:44 pm, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> i checked out todays version of kdenlive, and it works great. When
> installing tu /usr I get all the goodies. I noticed, that the duration of
> the clip is not corrwect in the file list. But more important, somehow the
> timeline is not working correctly. I think it's still the same problem I
> reported already. When I load two or three lcips and chop the to peaces
> it's sometimes not possible to attach them to each other, the snap-to
> seems to be not working correctly and I end up with a space between two
> clips. When I switch of 'snap-to-frame' then it works.

Snap to frame wasn't really implemented for resizing/razoring before - it 
should be working much better now that it is implemented :-) (I just 
committed it)

Could you commit recent piave changes to CVS at the next opportunity? I want 
to test some areas of the Kdenlive communication code - specifically the 
problem with file durations not being updated correctly, and it will be 
easiest if I am using the most curernt version of piave.


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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