[Kdenlive-devel] A little bit closer....

Rolf Dubitzky dubitzky at pktw06.phy.tu-dresden.de
Tue Feb 4 22:58:38 UTC 2003

On Tuesday 04 February 2003 11:44 pm, Jason Wood wrote:
> Hi,
> Latest CVS commit means that the export window now shows as much
> information for output formats and codecs as piave is sending me. (I am not
> worrying about input, display or effects for the moment). Hopefully, it
> will show you some of the weaknesses at the moment.
> Currently, there are no "human readable" names for codecs or file formats.
> I would suggest that the following tag would suffice :
> <name>human readable name</name>
> What do you think?


> In the case of codecs, I notice that there is no distinction made between
> audio and video at the moment.

???  type="audio"  ???

> Somehow, we need to be able to provide
> seperate descriptions for the audio and video.

sure, I mean the "libdv_encoder" plugin doesn't give _any_  information right 
now. That's because it can just export PAL, and everything therein is 
hardcoded. As soon as the stuff is configurable, I'll advertise it in 

> If at all possible, it would be nice to have a second codec, and a second
> file format so that I can play about with the export box a little more.



 Rolf Dubitzky  
 e-mail: Rolf.Dubitzky at Physik.TU-Dresden.de
 s-mail see http://hep.phy.tu-dresden.de/~dubitzky/

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