[Kdenlive-devel] Cutting List Specification Version 0.04

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Nov 16 17:12:43 UTC 2002

On Saturday 16 Nov 2002 4:35 pm, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> > Besides both formats are hard to parse as well as hard for humans to
> > read.
> I don't agree. As I said, I have not many different commercial editors, but
> the three I know all display time in hh:mm:ss.ff, where ff is max 30 for
> NTSC and max 25 for PAL. Very easy to read for me. Any non-frame based
> format will severely suffer from rounding errors, like in the suggestion I
> made:
>  HH:MM:SS.mmm
> where .mmm are milliseconds. Together with fps of the sample it's possible
> to calculate the right frame, but not easy in NTSC.

A question that I think was discussed in the past was whether or not the 
communication needs to read time in the hour, minute,second format, or if to 
simply specify all times in seconds/milliseconds.

Is there a necessary reason for specifying times at only millisecond accuracy? 
My initial idea was that decimal values (thinking more of parameter values 
here) could be stored at as high a precision as possilble within a scene, and 
then the renderer can simply store whatever precision it works at. 

In this way, we can sidestep round issues such as color depth : By specifying 
color values between 0.0 and 1.0, it doesn't matter to the interface as to 
whether they are 8bit per channel, 16 bit per channel, etc. Perhaps we would 
get better accuracy with time as well?

The downside is that it makes the generated XML less human-readable, of 

I have just finished writing up a response to Rolf's comments, You can 
download it from here :


Note I've removed the previous versions this time, so it's only about 40K in 
size :-)


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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