[Kdenlive-devel] scenelist

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Dec 1 15:21:39 UTC 2002

On Sunday 01 Dec 2002 2:33 pm, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> Hi,
> what do I have to do, to make kdenlive send a scenelist? For me, it just
> sends the list once in the beginning (empty of course), and never again???
> I can insert clips, move then, whatever I don't see a message about a
> scenelist...

Hmm, it should keep sending the scenelist each time a clip is moved in the 
timeline. I'll take a look.

Oh, actually I see the problem - I am generating a new scene list on every 
move of the timeline, but not actually sending it :-) Ok, it's fixed in CVS 

> The initial list looks like this:
> <setSceneList>
>  <scenelist>
>   <header>
>    <version major="0" minor="06" />
>   </header>
>  </scenelist>
> </setSceneList>
> <createVideoXWindow show="true" />
> - Why is <header> inside the scenelist? It should be a seperate tag. What
>   version is this supposed to be?

Ignore it for the moment, it is not important until we reach a release and 
finalise the VEML document, when it should be set to version 1.0 :-)

But I agree, I am not sure if header should be in the scene list any more. 
Originally, the idea was that it would specify the version of VEML so that 
the renderer knew whether it would be able to understand the GUI or not.

If you like, I can remove it for the moment?

> - What is the difference between <scenelist> ans <setSceneList> tags?
>   As ar as I can see, they are redundant.

setSceneList is supposed to be the command, whilst scenelist is the outer tag 
of the scenelist document.

Essentially, it's there so that the scenelist (without the setSceneList 
command) is a compliant XML document.

> - At least on my setup all this is butt slow ;-)))  When I scroll left and
>   right, the seek commands pile up. We need to do this in SAX and in a
>   seperate thread. Then seeks will be dropped from the queue in case the
>   previous seek is not finished.

Yes, I sort of expected that seeks would be piling up at the moment, and yes, 
it should be correct behaviour for Piave to ignore all of them except for the 
most recent one ;-)

On another count though, I'm going to profile the code I have written for 
generating the scenes - I think it is taking a lot longer than it should do, 
and I want to find out if this is the case, and if so, why.

> I am not yet convinced that this XML via loopback is the right way to do
> it.

Well, we are getting close to the time when we find out, I think :-)

Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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