[Kdeev-books] Re: KDE books writing

Alex Exojo suy at badopi.org
Wed Aug 27 19:24:37 CEST 2003

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El Miércoles, 27 de Agosto de 2003 14:07, Jan Schumacher escribió:
> In an earlier mail on Friday 18 July 2003 08:01, Ralf Nolden wrote:
> > The License for the book will be the GNU Free
> > Documentation License, which is because my manuals in KDevelop were GPL
> > licensed and I had to buy myself a hard copy of my own work. Which sucked
> > as well :-)
> If the deciding factor for choosing the GFDL over the GPL is getting a free
> copy of your book, I am willing to put money for one or two copies into a
> pool to get free copies for the main contributors. Alex (a.k.a. suy)
> offered something similar on 2003-07-18. Maybe there are others who would
> be willing to contribute.

I think we should start talking about this. At first, the license issues 
weren't important for me, because Ralf will be the author, so he chooses the 
license he decides that fits better. But if there will be lots of 
contributors (today is the first day, but in the future... who knows?), and 
with a place in KDE's CVS, maybe we should consider alternatives (GPL and FDL 
are not the only one's).

I still offer myself for paying some copies of the book. But maybe one or two 
people buying some copies are not enough for Ralf's plans. I suggest start 
asking and answering first basic questions (mainly, the TOC of the book). The 
wiki that Brad Hards posted, seems a bit steady.

I suggest a really small website (maybe 2 or 3 HTML docs), which should point 
to the mailing list, show the TOC, wich parts are under development and which 
are done, etc.

Best regards.

PS: By the way, sorry for posting like "Alex (a.k.a. suy)". I know that maybe 
sounds pedantic, and a bit anonymous, but I *hate* my surname :-), and it 
sounds horrible in english. I will consider changing my signature script 

- -- 
Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0xAA8D2A01
http://lacurva.net/ - Jabber ID: suy at es.tipic.com
On Netscape GPLing their browser: ``How can you trust a browser that
ANYONE can hack? For the secure choice, choose Microsoft.''
	-- <oryx at pobox.com> in a comment on slashdot.org
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


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