What is the status of the telepathy plugin

Simon Redman simon at ergotech.com
Sat May 13 07:11:12 UTC 2017

Well, I sure hope telepathy-kdeconnect is the latest, because after much
fiddling and reading of documents, I have figured out how to make it
launch reliably (for me!)

I still don't fully understand why this solution works, but the basic
problem seemed to be that the connectcm plugin did not claim to
implement the kdeconnect (telepathy) protocol. Adding this protocol
information to kdeconnect.manager made the complaints in Mission
Control's log go away and lets the plugin auto-load when I reboot!

I submitted a patch to phabricator. Please let me know if I should have
done something with that submission differently!


On 05/12/2017 06:09 PM, Simon Redman wrote:
> Hi,
> What is the current status of the telepathy plugin?
> I am interested in looking into this and I would love to see the
> seamless integration into the existing messenger tool, as opposed to the
> current notifications system which I find a bit intrusive
> There seem to be two branches with names involving telepathy of the main
> kde-connect git repository, as well as the git repository here:
> https://cgit.kde.org/telepathy-kdeconnect.git
> Which is the latest? I assume telepathy-kdeconnect.git, but assumptions
> are dangerous!
> There is talk of some progress in this direction back in 2014:
> https://dot.kde.org/2014/04/29/kde-telepathy-sprint
> As well as on the KDE Connect v1.0 announcement page:
> https://albertvaka.wordpress.com/2016/08/26/kde-connect-1-0-is-here/
> Per the blog announcement, there was some confusion about what order
> things needed to be launched in. The order which is consistently working
> for me is: Launch KDE Connect Telepathy Plugin (Which causes
> mission-control to launch) then launch KDE Connect
> Thanks,
> Simon

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