Konqueror for mac

Draciron Smith draciron at gmail.com
Tue Jun 16 11:09:58 BST 2020

> >Unison is not meant for automatic jobs, at least not the versions I know.
> It will give you a list of changed files (and files of >which properties
> have changed) but expects the operator to verify and then issue the go
> command. If you just want to mirror >changes, pushing (or pulling) the
> latest state automatically rsync with a `--delete` option will work just as
> well.
> Rysnch works when I'm not botching the command. I'm just looking for a 1
way mirror that can run over SSH automatically set to run probably on the
hour in my recording dirs, and weekly on other dirs. I've accidentally
erased files I meant to keep, overwritten files, etc using Rsynch with
wrong command switches.

Time Machine didn't impress me at all. I ran it for a time when I first
started using a Mac.

> >It was (desktop environment, not distribution :)) . Now that you mention
> it, I've meaning meaning to ask around if a KDE4

I saw that right AFTER I hit send lol. No idea why I said distro.

> >equivalent of the Trinity project exist because I too would prefer to
> keep running a Plasma4 desktop (mostly QML free) with a >select few KDE5
> apps that I build and install myself through a customised MacPorts system.

KDE4 worked great. I cannot see ONE thing I thought was an improvement over
KDE4 in KDE5. Lots I do not like about the change. TBH KD4 wasn't my
favorite. KDE3 worked beautifully. I moved to KDE4 but I cannot afford a
machine with 16 gigs of RAM and it defeats the beauty of Linux to require a
machine with higher specs than Win 10 just to multi-task and use it for
more than just tablet level operations (email, social media, basic web
browsing).  I have 4 gigs of RAM on this machine. It is older yes, but the
laptop I bought last year also only has 4 gigs and it ran Win 10. I'm not
sure how well, I used it for a conference then installed Linux. For that
conference, it worked fine.  I shouldn't have to run a gaming level of
hardware just to do useful things with a Linux box. I shouldn't need to
close EVERYTHING except what I'm working on. If I wanted that I'd stuck
with Windoze. I'm going to try a couple other desktops out, but it's not
urgent since Trinity is smooth as silk.

The saddest part is KDE used to be the best desktop environment to bring
people who are new to Linux into Linux. It had by far the easiest interface
to work with, was intuitive. KDE apps have keyboard and menu
standardization which helps flatten that learning curve. Best look and feel
and up until KDE4 was light on system resources. So I could take somebody's
old computer, put KDE on it and start converting them to Linux. Usually
before long I was putting KDE on their new machine also. I've introduced
20+ people to Linux that way. I wouldn't dare put KDE5 on a new Linux users
machine. Especially not an older machine. I'm not sure what KDE's
leadership is thinking, or who they are appealing too. Most Linux users
reuse old hardware. Part of the point of using Linux is to not spend a
fortune on a computer. Not have to upgrade that machine every 2 or 3 years.
I get  an average of 7 to 10 years out of my machines. Yet on a 10 year old
machine I can do everything a Windoze user can do and most of it faster
than they can on their sparkling machine that's brand new, has 2 or 3 times
the RAM mine does and cost 4 times as much as mine did new.

I am a power user. I do a LOT of things on a computer and do a lot
of multitasking. That Linux allowed me to do this is one of the huge draws
for me to Linux. Windows with it's single tasking resource hungry
philosophy just does not work for me and people like me. Single taskers are
moving to phones. If all they do is email, social media, a little web
browsing, why have a PC? A phone is something they already need. If they
need a little more they can go up to a tablet. The PC is now the realm of
gamers, developers, artists, musicians, power users and others who need
more than just basic performance.

While I feel that there are many things the cloud is a really poor choice
for, if you want to use a lot of software today on Linux it's cloud or
nothing. Adobe's stuff for example. Class work not just for universities
but more and more primary schools. Teachers, even auto mechanics are being
shifted over to cloud apps. So you are going to have a ton of web browser
tabs open. Right now on this machine I have about 10 shopping tabs open as
I compare prices for a couple high dollar purchases. A couple youtube
tutorials on how to do work on my Harley and a pickup. I have 3 email tabs
that stay open 24/7, a couple Python reference tabs that tend to stay open
a lot. 7 tabs related to web development including a couple control panels
for websites I maint that stay open 24/7. A couple Ubuntu wiki tabs. 5 tabs
related to grant applications. A tutorial for a cam for my motorcyle. A
systarter tab, a Gimp tutorial tab, A tab that stays open 24/7 related to
scientific papers on ancient migrations, A Wikileaks tab, A couple tabs on
making gunpowder and a couple more tutorial tabs on making fireworks, A tab
to unision while I look it over, a couple Google searches I reuse and 3 or
4 misc tabs. That's just what open on this machine. On the other machines I
have at least 60 other tabs open. When I complete the repairs on the pickup
and motorcycle those obviously close. The GIMP tutorial tab just changes as
I need to do something else in GIMP I'll just move to a different part of
the page with a tutorial ont hat part. The shopping tabs will close when I
choose one and make a purchase, but as fast as I close those, more will
appear as I'm doing something. My Python tabs might grow to 10 tabs for a
coupe weeks as I work on something or my web dev tabs the same.

Once I master how to make fireworks next month I'll probably reopen my
blacksmithing tabs, or it might be casting lead bullets for blackpowder or
making black powder blanks so I can take part in recreation groups of the
old west and Texas war of independence. Or I might need to figure out how
to do something in Audacious that I've never done before or a tutorial on
remixing techniques as I fine tune mixdowns.

That's just Chrome tabs. I also tend to have music software open, a couple
players to listen to my tunes, I use another box for jukebox, a tag editor
might be open if I'm doing mix downs and stay open until I've mixed and
tagged everything. I might have CIMP open working on something or Kdevelop
or several text tabs tweaking/fixing HTML or doing a quick Python script.
If I'm working on a writing project I will have 50 Kedit tabs open. One of
the nice things about moving to Trinity is I get Kedit back. Kwrite crashes
on me constantly and doesn't autosave. So I lose everything I haven't saved
if the power goes out, it crashes, etc. Kate is a resource monster and
won't allow me to tear tabs off so I can have 10 tabs that I flip back and
forth between as I reference other chapters, character sheets, etc. Kedit
is really light on resources, I've had 140 Kedit tabs open before on my
writing desktop. No resource hit, since Kedit has such a light footprint.
Anyway you get the idea. I actually USE my computers. I am always juggling
projects.  Looking into volunteering for the Trinity project. Doing
documentation, some package maintenance. If I do I'll have 3 or 4 Chrome
tabs devoted to that which stay open 24/7 plus various kedit and when
needed word processors open.

More so PIM and email that's pretty much gone to the cloud or phones. I
keep my PIM info on my phone. Back up to a Google drive. That way I have it
with me nearly 24/7. PIM is or should be a super low resource task. You
have a phone number, name and a tiny amount of other data. It takes up
virtually no space. There's little more to do with it than search and sort.
So the app should also be tiny. I like so many others gave up on Pop3 long
ago. It's STILL not sent using decent encryption. The password is almost
always sent in the clear as there's no standards for sending it encrypted.
M$ does it one way, Thunderbird another, Kmail another, each with varied
support for the 4 or 5 obsolete encryption schemes.  In the cloud I have
access to the same emails anywhere, on any machine. SSL might not be
perfect but the average twerp wannabe hacker isn't going to crack it. That
is assuming your ISP supports anything but Outlook, which is getting tough
to find nowadays. Outlook changes it's protocols every so often for no
particular reason and when it does, you cannot download your email until
your mail server gets updated to support Microsoft's latest stupidity. You
are lucky to even get help with the Pop3 settings any more. You ask most
tech support folks what their pop3 server is, if your lucky they escalate
it. Most of the time they refer to a document that hasn't been updated in 5
years and has incorrect information or are totally baffled by what you mean
by pop3 and insist you install Outlook or they will not talk to you. Last
time I helped my Dad set up Thunderbird it took 3 calls and 2 hours to
FINALLY get all the info I needed to get his Thunderbird working. Pop3 and
desktop mail's days are numbered.

KDE could become a web developer's paradise. Could cater to artists and
musicians, there's a lot of directions KDE could go. I just don't
understand the logic behind trying to make it into an expensive stationary
phone. Especially at a time when people are desperate for an alternative to
Win 10, which is not very popular even among Windoze fans. Recreating
Windoze's system requirements makes no sense to me. If you cannot run KDE
on a machine that CAN run Win 10, something is wrong and that's what's
happening right now. Desktops are not going away, but they ARE filling
niche needs as Joe Q public switches to just having a phone to save money
and avoid the frustration of using a desktop. Worse the expense of buying a
new one every 2 or 3 years just because the old one is now too slow. This
isn't the 90s. We are coming out of a 12 year depression that devastated
the US economy with ripple effects around the world. China is in a
recession, Europe struggling, Asia not exactly thriving. We are barely
climbing out of a world recession and Covid-19 wrecks the economies of most
of the world.. Riots and protests, trade wars, and soon shooting wars.
People don't have the income for high end machines to just do stuff they
could do on their phone.  A lot of people in the US right now are wondering
how they'll keep food on their table and a roof over their heads.

Now is the time for Linux to strike. It's free, and a good distro and
desktop manager runs on older machines that people can get from
wealthier friends, buy at a pawn shop or cobble together from dead
machines. A machine that people in 3rd world nations can use for something
besides basic stuff. A replacement for expensive Windoze systems on cash
strapped city, state and federal governments. KDE can lead the way on this.

A couple killer apps, like a better web development platform. WYSIWYG
without all the junk Dreamweaver includes and Dreamweaver's heft price tag.
Musicians have long been ignored by Linux. The closest you have is Ubuntu
studio which as a spin has some nice ideas but it's really not a plug and
play desktop for musicians and Gnome's brutal resource requirements just do
not work. You need a really high end system thanks to Gnome's heavy
footprint. A musician's distro needs a RT kernel, drivers for breakout
boxes, converters for popular DAW formats to open source formats. A set of
tools. Linux already has most of them, though it could use a better DAW
package. It'll also need better integration of Jack which most Linux audio
software uses. Ubuntu studio has made some inroads there. But most of the
time if you open up Jack it kills everything else, which is extremely
annoying. For example, I might do a quick drum track on Hydrogen, save it
off as a wave file, but Audacious cannot play it until I kill Jack. So I
throw it in there, then want to tweak it. I have to restart Jack, make my
tweak, export the track, then kill Jack, so I can hear how it in Audacious
or import it into Audacity and add in another track I've already recorded.
If I want to bypass my break out box and go straight from my effects box or
tweak or save the settings on my effects box I have to use the Mac as
there's no drivers for any of my effects boxes on Linux. VST support is so
so on Linux. Thus the necessity of a Mac for recording. Yet so many
musicians would LOVE a black box magic making recording machine. Port a
good DAW or improve existing DAWs and fix up a distro and you have just
that. Artists suffer under Linux. There's not even a good paint app. You
have to open up GIMP and it's rather obscure settings just to create a very
simple meme or flyer. I can name a dozen other nitches Linux could fill but
none of them are going to work if you clobber the system resources and
demand a min of 8 gigs to have a usable machine. I've got 4 gigs on this
machine and can't run KDE5. It;ll freeze up on me a half hour after I get
everything opened and I have to do a cold boot or wait an hour for it to
unfreeze long enough to close 2/3rds of the stuff I have open and limp
along with a machine that lags from hell and locks up if I start opening
stuff up again.

Phone app development tools and especially IDEs. A gamers framework built
around QT that interfaces with existing engines. Most of all, a low
footprint but lots of useful functionality. KDE3 had that. Sure the
graphics were a little blocky compared to today, but you can't tell me
those graphics improvements take THAT much system resources. KDE needs to
be lean, great at multi-tasking.  There are so many niches KDE could fill
and bring people to Linux. Gnome's GUI is just not user friendly and a
resource monster. Not an option. The other desktop managers lack the
pizzazz KDE and Gnome have in terms of how pretty they look and native app
support. I think KDE is really missing the boat and it's hurting Linux in
general. KDE is the only desktop manager currently in heavy use that I feel
could challenge Windoze head on and win over Windoze users en mass.

> >I have no experience with it (I think I moved to Mac too early and never
> got to use the MSDOS apps like PC-Shell sufficiently >to grow a dependency
> on it (like I did with vi, for instance). I might give it a try. My
> Dolphin5 build works fine on Mac but I >always stumble over the fact you
> can only drag any file from the Finder to Dolphin; the other way only works
> for local files

>(because the Finder doesn't know about protocols other than file://).
> Doing things in a single split-screen window would >prevent the error.
> I like Krusader because I'm not a fan of drag and drop but sometimes it's
handy. Especially moving stuff too and from apps that are designed for drag
and drop. When I want to copy I want to KNOW I am copying. drag and drop
you don't know if you moved or copied or accidentally dropped them into a
subfolder, etc. Krusader has buttons you can use for copy, move, etc. But
it also supports drag and drop with just about everything on Linux. Not
sure what it'll be like on Mac.  Dual pane default with tabs. You have
keyboard shortcuts, menu or for common tasks buttons you can use. It's
really clear what pane you are in, and asks you if you really want to move
to xyz so you get a chance to say yikes didn't mean to do that before it
starts happening. You can delete to trash or delete delete. View or hide
hidden files with 2 clicks. Shift panes around, switch to icon & preview
modes, though default is list view and it's a far superior list view in my
opinion. I really like Krusader. It's one of the must have apps in my
opinion. I can do complex manual sorts, dir comparisons, SSH to other
machines, open a CLI and have it integrated down at the bottom, whole lot
of compact functionality.  The appearance might seem archaic at first. It
grows on you quickly as it gives you an excellent clean compact overview of
everything. It's also pretty customizable. So you can fine tune most of
Krusader to how you want it to look and act.

I did start with DOS. Then moved to Windows NT 3.51, then to Linux and NT
4. I kept a Windows box around for recording and Skype for several years
then shifted over to a Mac for that. XP was the last Windows OS I ever ran
on any of my machines and that was briefly. The 3rd time in a year I had to
do a wipe and load on a 3 year old XP machine I boght a Mac, put Linux on
the XP machine and haven't looked back. I'm on my 3rd Mac now. Kind of
hoping to rehab the Mac I retired due to dead fan and because it was 5
years old and too slow to run latest Mac OSX. If I can find the right CPU
fan, and put Linux on it, I might be able to give it a 2nd life. Not with
KDE I won't. It only has 4 gigs of RAM.
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