Konqueror for mac

YELDA KADiOGLU ykadioglu at adu.edu.tr
Wed Jun 10 10:33:24 BST 2020

Thank you very much really. I had a laptop with openSUSE installed and I
was using Konqueror for ssh connections also like to capabilty of splitting
windows. It is really easy to copy files between home and ssh folders by
"fish" application. My old laptop was broken and now im using a macbook but
other file transfer programs such as transmit doesnt work as well as
Konqueror. So i will install a linux version to inside mac. Thank you very
much again

On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 11:13 AM René J.V. Bertin <rjvbertin at gmail.com>

> On Tuesday June 09 2020 22:50:13 YELDA KADiOGLU wrote:
> >Hi, i have used Konqueror in linux and love it but i couldnt find its
> >version for mac, is it possible to use it in mac?
> Not easily. You may find a more or less crippled version in HomeBrew, or
> you could go through the lengthy process of using my MacPorts custom ports
> tree to get a less crippled (but probably less up-to-date) version (but
> that does use an up-to-date QtWebKit-rebooted version).
> As a web browser, Konqueror is rather strongly inspired by (or at least
> looks a lot like) the Safari versions of its time, and the original HTML
> engine (KHTML) is even at the basis of the WebKit engine used in Safari.
> Nowadays I think most users will use Konqueror with the QtWebEngine
> backend, which makes it just another Chromium clone, with an engine that is
> only as up-to-date as Qt and the Linux distribution allow and that is too
> complete overkill for quick browsing of, say, local documentation in HTML
> format.
> If you're looking to use it as a web browser on Mac, just stick with
> Safari (or, if you use an older OS X version like I, use Firefox Developer
> Edition). Konqueror's other functions on Linux are largely moot and tricky
> to deploy on Mac (but then I never really got their point on Linux either).
> R.

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