KDEPIM 4.6 prob^Wimpressions

Duncan 1i5t5.duncan at cox.net
Wed Jun 29 22:05:33 BST 2011

Alex Schuster posted on Wed, 29 Jun 2011 21:59:30 +0200 as excerpted:

>> The mail migration part should have written its output to a file as
>> well, check $HOME/.kde/share/apps/kmail-migrator
> Good idea to save this, although a notice box telling me would have been
> nice. But there is no such file, locate only finds
> .kde4/share/config/kmail-migratorrc.

kmail-migrator indeed appears here.  (@ wonko/alex, it's a dir, not a 
file, in share/apps, not in share/config, where the rc is located.  Not 
sure if you caught that or not.  If you only looked in config or only 
looked for a file, not a dir, that would explain your not seeing it.  But 
maybe it /is/ missing in your case, as I didn't have the earlier 
migration attempt here, that might have messed yours up further.)

The interesting thing about the log found in that dir, here, is that it 
lists the account migration, mostly pop3 but with one sysmail maildir 
account, but *NOT* the actual mail migration.  Which matches my 
experience, it auto-migrated the accounts but not the existing mail, 
taking very little time to do so.

But what's weird is that the log contains no hint whatsoever about what 
might have gone wrong with the existing mail migration -- it doesn't 
mention any attempt to migrate that at all.  Which of course explains why 
the migration went so fast, since for whatever reason, it detected and 
migrated the accounts, but not the existing mail.  <shrug>

BTW, unlike Alex I had no earlier upgrade attempt, so whatever it did or 
didn't do was from an existing kdepim 4.4 setup, no previous kdepim 4.6 
to possibly screw things up.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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