Newbie total loss of KDE icons and...

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at
Tue Jun 15 10:38:54 BST 2010

On Tuesday, 2010-06-15, Bernard T. Higonnet wrote:

> After starting up but before doing anything I have this from ps:
> higonnet    2086  1.4  2.4 253964 50288  ??  S    11:06AM   0:04.50
> kdeinit4: kdeinit4: plasma-desktop (kdeinit4)

That is correct.

> Then trying the suggestion I get this:
> /usr/local/kde4/bin/kquitapp plasma-desktop && plasma-desktop
> <unknown program name>(2209)/: "Application plasma-desktop could not be
> found using service org.kde.plasma-desktop and path /MainApplication."

kquitapp is basically a convenience wrapper around one specific D-Bus call:

qdbus org.kde.plasma-desktop /MainApplication org.kde.KApplication.quit 

However, your output suggests that org.kde.plasma-desktop is not known as a D-
Bus service name.

You can run just "qdbus" or "qdbusviewer" to see which service names are 

Check if there is any with "plasma" in it.

> Just in case he needed to know where plasma-desktop is I also tried
> /usr/local/kde4/bin/kquitapp /usr/local/kde4/bin/plasma-desktop &&
> /usr/local/kde4/bin/plasma-desktop
> >> Can anyone tell me where KDE's icons reside, or perhaps the name of the
> >> KDE wheel icon so I can see where it is?
> > 
> > kde4-config --path icon
> The directory indicated seems to exist at least...

Installation prefix on your system seems to be /usr/local/kde4, so icons that 
are part of the KDE SC will most likely be in 
/usr/local/kde4/share/icons/oxygen (Oxygen being the default icon theme)


Kevin Krammer, KDE developer, xdg-utils developer
KDE user support, developer mentoring
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