Problem with Kubuntu
Bram Schoenmakers
bramschoenmakers at
Thu May 10 22:02:19 BST 2007
Op woensdag 09 mei 2007, schreef Miquel:
> Hi there
> I have a weird problem with my Kubuntu. I had Dapper Drake installed and I
> :
> - Copied all $HOME folder content to another workstation.
> - Installed Feisty Fawn removing Dapper Drake.
> - Restored the content of the new $HOME with the content of the old
> $HOME.
> Just that and I connect to internet with kppp, surf by the internet with
> Mozilla Firefox, ping everywhere and other things but I can't do
> anything with konqueror, kmail or kopete (kopete doesn't connect with
> messenger server, kmail tells me that there are no new mals and
> konqueror can't found pages so it seems to be a problem of KDE's apps).
> Does anybody know what can be happening?
> Thanks in advance
> Best regards
Already checked the Internet settings in the KDE Control Center (kcontrol)? It
could be a proxy for example.
Kind regards,
Bram Schoenmakers
KDE Netherlands (
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