Kmail - 'read' messages won't stay 'read'

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. bss03 at
Fri Jul 27 11:26:26 BST 2007

On Friday 27 July 2007, cr <cr at> wrote about '[kde] 
Kmail - 'read' messages won't stay 'read'':
> Hi, hope this is the right list to ask

You might also try kde-linux and/or kde-pim next door.  They are more 
focused groups, but I might this list may be able to provide some help.

> I've been using Kmail for some years (under Debian/Gnome :)
> I've just installed Deb 4.0r0 on a AMD64 and Kmail's developed a weird
> bug - it keeps marking (some) read messages as 'unread'.  That is, I
> read 'em (or select 'mark as read') and it does the right thing, changes
> them from blue to black - BUT if I swap to another folder, then back to
> inbox, those messages instantly change to blue 'unread' again.

Using dIMAP, IMAP, POP, or local?

I've seen this happen sometimes on dIMAP if I mark messages as read while I 
a downloading new mail.  The flags from the server end up overwriting 
local changes before the local chages are sent to the server.

It could also happen in IMAP if you end up refreshing the folder before all 
commands have been sent to the server.  Kmail will read flags from the 
server again, and see the messages as still unread.  Waiting a few moments 
and refreshing the folder again should end up showing the messages as 

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                     ,= ,-_-. =. 
bss03 at                      ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy           `-'(. .)`-'                      \_/     
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