Kmail spam filtering - Help

Philip Rodrigues philip.rodrigues at
Fri Nov 24 23:00:02 GMT 2006

John wrote:

> Hi
> I'm having something of a spam problem and have looked around to see what
> can be used with kmail. All I can find are adaptive filters which will not
> do what I want. I need some simple rules such as
> Is the mail from somebody in my address book?

"From"->"is not in address book", at least in the latest version.

> Is the mail addressed to one of my accounts ? (Some aren't)

A little trickier to avoid false positives, but perhaps something like:
"Match all of the following":
"To" does not contain "me at"
"To" does not contain "me2 at"
"Cc" does not contain "..."
"Cc" ...

> Is the mail from somebody in a domain or who has a name that I known sends
> spam?

You could create a category in your address book containing all these
addresses, and use "From" "is in category". Alternatively you could just
use a bunch of "From" "contains" <unwanted address> type filters.

> The vast bulk of the rest could be spotted with a simple sentence and or
> word check. Firstly in the subject and then in the content.
> Any thoughts or suggestions? Surely there is a filter available that will
> do some or all of these things.

To be honest, once you get to this level, I think you're probably better off
customizing something like spamassassin, that's designed for spam
filtering, though.

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