in which directory are the styles?

Daniel Bauer linux at
Thu Nov 16 17:49:22 GMT 2006

On Thursday 16 November 2006 18:39, Cathal O'Brien wrote:
> On 15/11/06, Daniel Bauer <linux at> wrote:
> > Hello everybody
> >
> > I just updated KDE to 3.5.5 (from Suse rpm's on a Suse 10.0) and lost all
> > the styles:
> >
> > in Control Center there are only 5 styles left to chose, but not the one
> > I'd like. Where, in which directory, does control center look for the 
> > styles? 
> >
> > (I have a backup with all files, but I don't know where to find the
> > earlier styles-files and to where I should copy them so I can choose the
> > desired one from control center).
> >
> > Can you help me?
> > thanks :-)
> >
> > Daniel

> I think theirs some sort of repair tool with SUSE install CD. You could try
> that to see if it fixes it. I think ive seen a suse user complain about
> this before and solved the problem ( I think :-) ).
>Cathal O'Brien

Thanks for your answer, Cathal.

Meanwhile my problem is solved. I havn't found out the address of the files, 
but I found out that some qt3 libs have not been updated and the remaining 
old ones seem to be somehow incompatible. However, after updating the qt 
packages too all missing styles are back again :-)

Daniel Bauer photographer Basel Switzerland
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