Non-KDE apps can't connect to web sites using URLs

Nigel Henry cave.dnb at
Mon Oct 3 10:35:30 BST 2005

On Sunday 02 October 2005 19:05, Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> Jeffrey Barish wrote:
> > I know that this sounds bizarre, but since I upgraded my system from
> > Libranet 2.8 (2.4 kernel) to 3 (2.6 kernel, KDE 3.3.2), it appears that
> > only KDE applications are able to connect to Internet sites using URLs. 
> > I have three non-KDE applications (Firefox, Moneydance, Epiphany (web
> > browser)) that fail to connect using URLs and four KDE applications
> > (Konqueror, KMail, KNode, KNewsTicker that succeed.  Firefox and Epiphany
> > are able to connect using IP numbers.  The fact that IP numbers work
> > suggests a DNS problem, but DNS lives at my ISP so I don't see how it
> > would
> > be able to discriminate against only certain apps.  Well, I don't see how
> > anything would.  Is there anything in KDE that might account for this
> > favoritism?
> It seems that my /etc/resolv.conf has the entry
> nameserver
> which corresponds to my gateway.  It also has an entry for the correct
> nameserver.  When I delete the one for my gateway, applications other than
> KDE work.  Isn't KDE clever to overlook this misdirection?  Now, if I could
> just figure out why resolvconf is inserting this erroneous entry, I will
> finally be done with this problem.

Hi. I presume that each time you boot up the Libranet machine, your gateway IP 
address is turning up in /etc/resolv.conf. Have you tried booting up the 
machine while unplugged from the network? Does the gateway address still turn 
up in /etc/resolv.conf ? What OS do you have on the gateway machine connected 
to the Internet? I've got KDE 3.3.2 on my Debian boxes, and notice in control 
centre/KDE components/Service manager there is a start up service named "KDE 
Internet Daemon" . Whether that has anything to do with why the KDE apps work 
but the others don't, I don't know. Nigel.
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