How can I get KDE to leave the background alone?

stan stanb at
Fri Feb 4 00:42:59 GMT 2005

On Fri, Feb 04, 2005 at 01:48:56AM +0200, yourself wrote:
> A carbon-based lifeform named stan wrote:
> > I'm trying to convert from Gnome (1.4) to KDE (3.7).
> Jesus. 
> Gnome 1.4... Was I even _born_ back then? :-)
> KDE 3.7, eh? Maybe you've met my kids who aren't even born yet :-)
> > In Gnome, I have a perl script that is started up with the equivelant of
> > autorun. It then selects a random iamge from a directory of images, and
> > uses xv to set the root X window to that image. Works like a charm.
> >
> > I've tried several things to try to get KDE to emualte this behavior, but I
> > cna't seem to figure out how to get it to just leave the background
> > untouched. Is this possible? If not, I'll follow up with another question
> > about how to change the behavior of the closest thing I've foundin KDE.
> >
> > Thanks.
> Joking apart, if you select "configure desktop", go to background, and then 
> select "Slide Show", you have your behaviour! Of course, this applies to 
> 3.3.2, i don't know about others....

No, slide show isn't even close. If I'm not mistaken, I have to list the
files I want to be displayed, right? The contents of the directory are
changed on a frequent bassis.

Or am I missing something.

RE Gnome 1.4, the reason I've decided to move to KDE is that I can't get
the newer versions of Gnome to even come close to producing as nice a
working environment. It's so bad, I decided to change completly.

RE KDE version, it's the version that ships with Knoppix 3.7. sorry about
the confusion on that.
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						-- Benjamin Franklin
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