Konqueror/Java Applets/Servlet Session Cookies - Something not right

Kevin Krammer kevin.krammer at gmx.at
Thu May 20 15:57:08 BST 2004

On Thursday 20 May 2004 07:26, John Morris wrote:

> In the case of Mozilla, other browsers (and previous Konqueror
> revisions), the "Cookie:" line appears in the request made from the java
> applet.
> I don't want to modify the behavior of my applet just in the case of
> Konqueror.. is there a fix for this?

Hmm, actually I wonder how it worked on older versions of Konqueror.
The applet uses its own HTTP access classes while Konqueror uses the HTTP KIO 

If you can confirm that your applet still works with an older version of 
Konqueror, you found a regression bug.

In this case it would be cool if you could file a bug report for KJAS (if 
available, otherwise Konqueror) on bugs.kde.org
There might still be enough time to fix it for KDE3.3


Kevin Krammer <kevin.krammer at gmx.at>
Qt/KDE Developer, Debian User
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