Font kerning (character-to -character spacing) when printing problem

Marc Heyvaert marc_heyvaert at
Fri Mar 26 18:52:43 GMT 2004


Like I said in a previous mail, I have still some
issues with fonts in KOffice or other KDE
applications, although things have improved enormously
since about 12 months ago. Having said that I would
like to offer you an example of a document that I
produced (it's in dutch i'm afraid...) to illustrate
my point.

1. I chose times new roman to avoid problems with
people who would view this file afterwards -I think I
embedded the font as well, but I'm not sure now. I
prints on my printer exactly as it is in the pdf file
on my system. (deskjet 500 - kghostview; on Acrobat
(for linux) it looks lousy?) I think the font is to
bold really. Strangely enough, on a windows pc that I
have with a better printer Acrobat 6.0 shows the
document as it should be and it prints very well

2. Kerning is hardly a problem anymore, compared to
earlier times, but it is still not perfect. If you
look at the last -italic- lines of the document, you
will see that in "Vlaamse Wushu" there are still some
kerning problems, also in "sportfederatie" further on
the sam line. Maybe this is linked to the fact that it
is italic? Maybe all this is KOffice related and not
general KDE?



--- Dik Takken <D.H.J.Takken at> wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Mar 2004, Mark Thorp Duxbury wrote:
> > I had been presuming that qt did most of the work
> > these days and produced Postscript with embedded
> fonts that was then just
> > passed off to the printing system (i.e. the
> printing system didn't really
> > have much to do with the fonts) - but this could
> be entirely wrong - someone
> > please correct me if I am.  Is any sort of font
> cache involved that I could
> > try deleting?
> You should make sure that you have the latest
> version of the following
> software:
> * Freetype
> * Xft
> * Fontconfig
> After you have updated these, run:
> fc-cache -f
> This command will re-build all your font caches. It
> may take quite a bit
> of time, but your font system should be a just fine
> after that.
> Cheers!
> Dik
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