PNG files read as text

RBE rbe at
Thu Nov 28 07:09:43 GMT 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 27 November 2002 11:29 pm, James Richard Tyrer wrote:
> RBE wrote:
> >
> > I have a screen snapshot which I need to send for others to review.
> > The snapshoot is in .png format, which kmail pretends to recognize.
> > Unfortunately, it sends it out as text, which means nothing can be
> > read or, in this case, seen.
> >
> > Is there a workaround for this bug?
> I don't know if this is a bug, but it is quite possible that you have
> misdiagnosed the problem.
> What did you set for: "Message property"?  If you chose: "MIME", then
> the PNG file WILL be converted to text to send it -- that is the way
> it is supposed to work.  You can also choose: "8-bit" and they will
> not be converted but some people might have a problem with them.
> What is important is that it have the correct MIME type when it is
> received.  A PNG file should have the MIME type: "image/png".  It is
> that piece of information that the browser on the other end needs to
> read it.
> To see this, look at the source for the message.

I've got it set to "allow 8 bit".  The MIME type shown *is* 
"image/png."  I still don't see what the problem is.  I think I'll mail 
it to myself and see what is happening.

- -- 
Robert Black Eagle
The more I understand, the less I know.
Now I understand so much, I'm clueless.
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