TODO for the app pages

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Thu Feb 4 12:49:04 UTC 2010

Jeudi, le 4 fèvrier 2010, à 13:31, Anne Wilson a écrit:
> On Thursday 04 February 2010 12:01:00 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
> > yes, if automated, this would of course completely negate my critisism.
> Yet the issue of duplication of information remains.  We really should make
>  a decision as to whether the feature list should properly be on userbase
>  or on the web site, then link the other to the chosen one.  I don't think
>  it makes sense to have it in both places, even if automated, though I'll
>  certainly listen to arguments for it :-D

From my experience with Okteta I would say the (detailed) feature list should 
be on UserBase (and in the manual).

IMHO the overview on the apps pages should contain a rather non-detailed 
longer description, kind of abstract about the purpose of the program. The 
kind you also find in the package description of a program (so it could be the 
same and consistent if drawn from the upcoming about/metadata file :) ).

Especially for bigger programs a complete and well done feature list can be 
very long and needs more work to get it done, so most code developers might 
not find the time and interest to maintain that. At least I know I have to be 
pushed to update that little feature list page I once started for Okteta on

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