KDE 4.2 Visual Guide -- a question

Mark Ziegler mark.ziegler at rakekniven.de
Wed Jan 28 18:33:00 UTC 2009


> When I installed Mandriva 2009.0's KDE4.1.3, I was never able to
> control menus activated by root-window mouse-clicks (what KDE3.x
> configured by KControl > Desktop > Behavior > Mouse Button Actions).
> After searching and inquiring on multiple fora, I have been completely
> unable to find out whether restoring this functionality is "in the
> works."  Nor was I able to find out anything from the article
>      http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/guide.php
> It is something I have had in some form or fashion since I first
> started using SPARCStation2's back many years ago, and for the kind
> of work I do (involving huge virtual screens much larger than the
> physical screen, so that I can visualize data sets with dimensions
> like 7500x5000 effectively), it is a *drop-dead*requirement*.
> Will this ever be fixed in KDE 4.x?

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