i need some help

Marcus Oss blingbling737 at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 26 23:57:28 UTC 2009

Hello, I was wondering if i could get a little of assistance updating my system.  I bought one of the older eeepc mini computers put out by asus and am currently running Linux KDE version: 3.4.2 which seems to run really well given that this pc only has 4 gb flash memory and a 900 mhz intel celeron.  I was looking at the new KDE on your website and it looks really nice.  I really want it on my system but don't think it will be capable of running it or how to install it for that matter.  The version of Linux that i have was installed for my by a guy that works for intel and i recently moved away and lost touch.  I know some computing stuff, but would like it if you could tell me the latest version of KDE that my system could run.  I have 164 free MB of memory and i saved everything else i need on an SD card.  Thanks for your help!!!

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