kde.org website redesign

Jason Bainbridge jaseone at myrealbox.com
Sun Sep 22 14:39:12 UTC 2002

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On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 22:22, marko faas wrote:

> > Although one question, how would you see your menu structure handling the
> > fact that the different sub-domains would want their own menu structure?
> > I don't think it would work very well to have Usability's existing menu
> > implemented as a sub menu.  How about something along the lines of two
> > seperate main groups, the first being sub-domain specific and the second
> > being global? I realise being consistent across the sub-domains is
> > important but I think we would still achieve that goal with this sort of
> > approach.
> Actually, I've thought about this. I prefer a site that has the same
> menu structure (and layout!) all over the place, but I also recognise
> that that's up to the maintainer of the subsite. So, in order to
> convince them, we have to make the menu and the new layout as easy as
> possible to implement.

It's not the implementation of the menu structure I'm worried about, it is 
more the differing needs of the individual sub domains that I can see being a 
possible problem. An alternative solution might be to move the current 
sub-domain menu entry to the top when at that sub-domain, then it's menu 
could expand to the first level beyond that.

What do you think?

- -- 
Jason Bainbridge
KDE - Conquer Your Desktop
The KDE Usability Project - http://usability.kde.org
http://kde.org - webmaster at kde.org
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