[Kde-women] bei wem kommen die Fragen an?

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Sep 1 21:21:47 CEST 2004


There are more women that thought at first sight in KDE.
I discovered another one today, in fact I was intrigued because I thought 
'this person behaves as I do' (in the way she is involved in the project) but 
I did not think at first she was a woman. When I found out, I was pleased and 
it stresses your point, Bernhard, about women doing things differently and 
being more involved. I remarked (and was told) that women have a better sense 
of the community dimension in the project. I also remark they tend to pursue 
their objective until it's done while men would jump from 1 to another.
Women also abstain of quick flaming people.
That's only general comments and only my opinion.

Maybe a study will find that women in general are more involved in 'free' 
activities in the society, helping at schools, involved in charities and so 
on (free as they give and don't get anything in return). It's my opinion that 
women give a lot of free time to others so it's just a matter of defining 
Open a bit more maybe :-)

That was just some quick thoughts,


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