automoc4 crash, where does N:\lib path comes from, and kdewind for msvc

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at
Sun Feb 20 20:13:29 CET 2011

Am 20.02.2011 13:45, schrieb Николай Шафоростов:
> Hi all.
> I decided to build filelight and lokalize on win xp using msvc 2010 compiled packages of KDE 4.5 (installed via kdewin installer).
> first i had to build (latest git version of) automoc4 on my own. i did so, but it crashed.
> i colved this be commenting out
>     cerr(stderr), cout(stdout),
> line.

You could rather use our static build:

> does anyone have this issue? should i commit the fix embraced into ifdef Q_WS_WIN ?
> then during cmake stage for kdeutils it didnt want to find kdewin library because in FindKDEWin.cmake contains these lines:
>     if (MSVC_IDE )
>         set (LIBRARY_NAME "kdewind")
>     endif (MSVC_IDE)
> and now when i finally compile kdeutils it tries to link with N:\lib\kdewin.lib, 
> althoug i dont have this drive on my pc. where does it take this path?

You have hit two things at the same time:
- inside the cmake build system somewhere the code to the link libraries
(for kdelibs) is written at build time: N:\ is the install destination
on the build server. To get around that, grep through the files
(somewhere under lib\ or share\ iirc) for the path N:\lib and replace it
with your own path. Then all required libraries should be found.
- Somehow related to the first point: since the library names are
hardcoded at build time, you cannot just replace the library with a
debug version in your installation; Also you must be aware that msvc*
has different C++ runtimes for Release/RelWithDebInfo and Debug. This
means that using both runtimes at the same time can cause undefined
behaviour, so what you are trying to do (simply switching the buildtype)
can fail with really weird errors. This is only a problem with msvc, so
if you build on top of our msvc packages, you should always stay with
RelWithDebInfo as buildtype. MinGW doesn't have this problem, but has
Ah, and one more thing: Afaiu, we aren't allowed to distribute msvc
debug packages and MinGW debug packages are rather big.
One more thing though: It would be really cool if you could fix lokalize
on Windows too and if you need any more help (e.g. somebody with a debug
build), please just ask.


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