New contributor reporting for duty

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jan 17 15:07:18 CET 2008

On 17.01.08 12:33:19, Michael O'Shea wrote:
> Could someone fill me in or point me to some resource that will tell me what
> the status is of the various modules that make up the complete project ?

Along those techbase pages there's one (IIRC) that lists current status
and such things. Have a look at this page:

Especially "Techbase pages related to MS Windows port..."

> In other words, what bits are currently looking for someone to port them ?

"All" I think, I mean there are issues almost everywhere. Advocating my
own project: KDevelop4 would need help in a couple of places,
specifically porting the debugger code to win32 (problems expected for
the communication between kdevelop and gdb) and there's a dependecy in
the teamwork plugin that should be removed as its not portable. The
plugin depends on the CommonC++ library and the code that uses it needs
porting to Qt4 classes. For this a good understanding of how QShared*
and KShared* work is helpful.

> What bits are built but need debugging ? Is there a bug tracker for this
> particular effort ?

We use kde's bugzilla, with the OS/Platform information set to MS


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