Blind install of MSVC++ Express edition

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Fri Jan 11 13:00:07 CET 2008

Nicolas Pavlidis schrieb:
> Hi!
> I've allready posted a smiliar topic but here a new one :-)
> I wanted to try the new version of the kde-installer, to see if I get 
> KDE run without building it, ok.
> After my last experiences I initially selected all packages so nothing 
> can be missed. 
The dependeny tracking works now, so you have only to select the 
requested kde.. package. all required packages are selected 
automatically when  confirm installation.
> Therefor also the debuggingtolls were selected by me.
> So the problem is:
> I've imstalled MS Visualt Studio Pro 2005 and 2008 on my mashine, but 
> the installer despite this fact wants to install the MSVC - Express edtions.
> There seems to exist a enviroument var that VS generets:
> VS80COMNTOOLS for 2005 and VS90COMNTOOLS for 2008 with the following format:
> C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\
> in case of Studio 2005.
> To check if VS2005 with C++ support is installed it may only be 
> necessary To check if in the install dir (thats the one I wrote withour 
> the Common7\Tools postfix) contains a directory called VC.
> This should ensure that not only VS is installed, but VS with C++ 
> support is installed, and the installation of the Express Edtions (and 
> of the redistributable package is not necessary.
> It's a bit a quirx, but the other solution of checking the %Path% may 
> not work, because VS does not export it's enviroment vars by default :-(.
This will work for mostly cases and i will see, if I can add this to the 
installer. There is only one issue with using these environment 
variables: They are only available if the user logged out or rebooted 
his pc after msvc installation.  This could be fixed by using a registry 
key insted of the environment variable.

In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Installer\Products\ there are all installed 
products listed

visual Studio C++ 2000 Expression Edition - ENU.
key = 9BA4F6BA58CA200489926BEE5AA53E5A
    PackageCode = A5941EA0844828F4B8E1999934548849

similar for visual Studio C++ 2000 Redistributable
key = b25099274a207264182f8181add555d0
    PackageCode =  ECF0C5769D85D534A98DCACD5B08A8A3

Microsoft Platform SDK (R2) (3790.2075)
key = E10DE0A981DFA754BAC98053CDBD71BB
    PackageCode = A5D5F0B4B5E72B74BAD850CC3E4A7889

Does anyone know if these keys are unique and are always the same ?
> It also seems that the installer installs MinGW (Updates), in my case it 
> wanted so, even though my wish was to have msvc - packages only.
If you choose an installation dir where no packages are installed you 
have the choice to select mingw or msvc compiler. If only one package is 
installed this option is disabled to avoid corrupted installation dirs.
> In case of MinGW it is easier to check if it is allready installed, 
> because it must be on %Path%
> I hope the problem I described was not allready fixed (I use version 
> 0.8.4 of the KDE - Installer) and if not maybe the possible solution I 
> posted is applicatable for the installer.
Thanks for this hints.


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