Blind install of MSVC++ Express edition

Nicolas Pavlidis nicolas.pavlidis at
Fri Jan 11 11:59:13 CET 2008


I've allready posted a smiliar topic but here a new one :-)

I wanted to try the new version of the kde-installer, to see if I get 
KDE run without building it, ok.

After my last experiences I initially selected all packages so nothing 
can be missed. Therefor also the debuggingtolls were selected by me.

So the problem is:

I've imstalled MS Visualt Studio Pro 2005 and 2008 on my mashine, but 
the installer despite this fact wants to install the MSVC - Express edtions.

There seems to exist a enviroument var that VS generets:

VS80COMNTOOLS for 2005 and VS90COMNTOOLS for 2008 with the following format:

C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\Common7\Tools\

in case of Studio 2005.

To check if VS2005 with C++ support is installed it may only be 
necessary To check if in the install dir (thats the one I wrote withour 
the Common7\Tools postfix) contains a directory called VC.

This should ensure that not only VS is installed, but VS with C++ 
support is installed, and the installation of the Express Edtions (and 
of the redistributable package is not necessary.

It's a bit a quirx, but the other solution of checking the %Path% may 
not work, because VS does not export it's enviroment vars by default :-(.

It also seems that the installer installs MinGW (Updates), in my case it 
wanted so, even though my wish was to have msvc - packages only.

In case of MinGW it is easier to check if it is allready installed, 
because it must be on %Path%

I hope the problem I described was not allready fixed (I use version 
0.8.4 of the KDE - Installer) and if not maybe the possible solution I 
posted is applicatable for the installer.

Best regards,

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