KDE localized build
Ralf Habacker
ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Tue Apr 8 14:14:01 CEST 2008
Christian Ehrlicher schrieb:
>> Von: Ralf Habacker
>> Christian Ehrlicher schrieb:
>>>> Von: Ravishankar Shrivastava
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Christian and Ralf (and may be some other too, which I had lost
>> tracks,)
>>>> had replied my previous query which I am reproducing below. The point
>>>> is, there is virtual hollowness of localized applications in some
>>>> languages (eg - Hindi) in Windows. Localized KDE will not only produce
>>>> big buzz, but also give big push for its early adoption. So, may I
>>>> request to prioritize this ?
>>> See
>> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdesupport/emerge/portage/testing/l10n-kde4/
>>> It needs some fixes and Ralf also wanted to create a python script
>> instead using msys/shell to create the packages (which is painfull slow even on
>> my new machine).
>>> Ralf, any news on this?
>> currently no it worked for me well using the cygwin sh and I'm not sure
>> if a python script would make it much faster. The main time is needed
>> for scanning the directories.
> I really think it would make sense. File operations (despite all others) are the slowest part in msys/cygwin. You can see the problem when running ./configure in such a shell.
Which runs on cygwin much faster as on msys because of cygwin1.dll's
internal caching :-) This is why I had taken the cygwin sh.
> I did not test further because it was to slow and I was tired of waiting.
> I'll take a look if I can create a small script (python/cmake).
the appended script may help to reduce time because it has the basic
structure and creates already CMakeLists.txt for the UI message catalogs.
>> It would help very much to have the
>> CMakeLists.txt in the svn repository permanently.
> What's missing? All you need is in the emerge script.
The l10n-kde4 project in relation to other projects in svn does not have
any CMakeLists.txt added by default. If they would be created/updated
and commited nightly on the svn server we would have no need for an
additional script.
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