KDE localized build

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Tue Apr 8 13:46:10 CEST 2008

Christian Ehrlicher schrieb:
>> Von: Ravishankar Shrivastava
>> Hi,
>> Christian and Ralf (and may be some other too, which I had lost tracks,) 
>> had replied my previous query which I am reproducing below. The point 
>> is, there is virtual hollowness  of localized applications in some 
>> languages (eg - Hindi) in Windows. Localized KDE will not only produce 
>> big buzz, but also give big push for its early adoption. So, may I 
>> request to prioritize this ?
> See http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdesupport/emerge/portage/testing/l10n-kde4/
> It needs some fixes and Ralf also wanted to create a python script instead using msys/shell to create the packages (which is painfull slow even on my new machine).
> Ralf, any news on this?
currently no it worked for me well using the cygwin sh and I'm not sure 
if a python script would make it much faster. The main time is needed 
for scanning the directories. It would help very much to have the 
CMakeLists.txt in the svn repository permanently.  At now it could run  
by night not to waste time.


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