Get Hot New Stuff requires gpg executable, not in gpgme package

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at
Wed Nov 7 08:21:08 CET 2007

> Von: S Page
> I get
>    Error - KWordQuiz
>    Cannot start gpg and retrieve the available keys ...
> when I choose File > Download New [whatever]
> kdelibs/knewstuff/knewstuff2/core/security.cpp just seems to invoke
>    *m_process << "gpg"
>                << "--no-secmem-warning"
>                << "--no-tty"
>                << "--with-colon"
>                << "--list-keys";
> and then prints this error.
> So I think it really needs to be able to execute a `gpg.exe`.
> The package doesn't include a command-line gpg 
> tool, perhaps it should.  Meanwhile, can I use one from Cygwin?
I'll see why gpg.exe is not build/packaged, maybe we should use installed gpg here - no idea. And security.cpp also needs to search for gpg.exe instead blindly assuming that it's in the PATH.
Try to install gpg/win32 from official site.

btw: acessing gpg functions through command line interface is imho very bad style - a nice backend would be much better here...

> (Sorry for all the questions, but I *will* document the answers!)
I'll try to answer your other questions as well, but don't expect too much ;-)

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört?
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