KDE Installer doesn't download vcexpress-msvc (and fix)

S Page skierpage at earthlink.net
Thu Nov 8 06:43:58 CET 2007

In kdewin-installer-gui-0.8.1-2.exe I check the vcexpress-msvc "all" 
button, click Next, some text flashes in the window and is immediately 
replaced with "Installation finished".  But nothing is downloaded.

kdewin-installer.log shows:

   [2007-11-07 18:52:55] Debug:Downloading 
"http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=51410&clcid=0x409"  to 
"C:/Documents and Settings/S Page/Desktop/Downloads/KDE4/vcsetup.exe"

but there's no vcsetup.exe.

I think the issue is this go.microsoft.com URL is a 302 redirect to
but as Mr. Ehrlicher said
> but we only tell Qt (QHttp/QFtp) to download this file for us
and QHttp doesn't follow the redirect.  kdewin-installer's 
Downloader::readResponseHeader should notice that it isn't status 200 OK 
which should result in qWarning("Download failed: 302 Found") but for 
some reason I don't see this output.

The workaround is easy, just download yourself from either URL.

I think changing the @url-bin line in config.txt for @package 
vcexpress-msvc to
would fix this.

It's a very useful front-end!
=S Page

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