buildsystem for kde on windows

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue May 29 10:31:35 CEST 2007

On 29.05.07 03:39:04, Marcel Partap wrote:
> My dear KDE developers,
> pardon my impatience but when will I be able to compile the whole of KDE4 on windows non-manually, like with Konstruct? 
> What happened to the kewl winemerge build script Holger Schröder contributed? I'd really like to join in on debugging 
> this 'next best Windows GUI', and of course have fun with trying to get it to compile under WINE. But right now, the 
> build manual seems outdated, and people keep complaining about missing files; additionally I'd prefer to compile 
> everything on my computer and not load it with 'foreign' binaries.. So, what about a proper automatic build system? 
> Would it not be time well invested? IMHO a lot of duplicate fiddling is taking place right now.. I may be completely 
> wrong on that though.

PS: Last time I checked svn up, cd build, mingw32-make install worked
pretty fine and without any problems.


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