New requirement for kdelibs

Peter Kümmel syntheticpp at
Tue May 1 12:55:40 CEST 2007

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 01.05.07 11:26:18, Peter Kümmel wrote:
>> Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
>>> Peter Kümmel schrieb:
>>>> Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Now that nepomuk moved into kdelibs, we have a new requirement -
>>>>> soprano.
>>>>> This lib is located in kde svn:
>>>>> svn+ssh://
>>>>> There are currently no pre-build packages available because this package
>>>>> depends on Qt and may not work when the installed qt version differs
>>>>>> from the one which used to compile soprano.
>>>>> But soprano also has a new dependency named 'redland' which is available
>>>>> for win32libs. It's just a repackaged binary from
>>>>> Soprano & FindSoprano currently don't distinguish between debug and
>>>>> release builds but I hope to fix this today.
>>>>> Another note on kdepimlibs/syndication:
>>>>> syndication now requires boost to compile. As I can't find a valid
>>>>> binary package for windows (which is available for mingw and msvc as
>>>>> it's c++) wer can't compile syndication & kde-pim on win32 atm. I don't
>>>>> care for kde-pim so it's not that big problem for me...
>>>> Isn't it possible to remove the boost dependency? Boost is a header
>>>> monster,
>>>> and if it is only because of some smart pointers it is not worth the
>>>> trouble.
>>> Don't ask me, ask kde-pim. If they want to have it and want to compile
>>> kde-pim on win32 they have to take care for this. I don't care :)
>> Currently the dependency is header only, so we don't need any binary,
>> but I'm sure using boost is viral so it is only a question of time
>> until other parts of boost are used.
> KDevelop4 has a dependecy on Boost and not just headers. And according
> to the author it can't be changed because its the serialization stuff
> and Qt's serialization can't compete there. So at some point in the
> future we will probably have boost with mingw (I didn't even try to
> build it on windows), not sure if msvc can handle that stuff though.
> Andreas

It isn't hard to write a cmake files for the parts of boost which we will
need. Have done it for signals, regex, iostream, and filesystem. Also msvc
is supported by boost, so I don't see big problems.

Peter Kümmel

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