kde installer in kdewin32 svn

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Mon Jan 8 10:52:43 CET 2007

Jarosław Staniek schrieb:
> mark cox said the following, On 2007-01-08 06:52:
>> I'm not sure why you are re-inventing the wheel. inno setup is mature
>> installation software with many features and you can extend it to add those
>> missing features. In my experience, installers on windows always turn 
>> out to
>> be much more complicated than anticipated and because inno setup is mature
>> it has already encountered and solved those problems.
>> website: www.innosetup.com
> Note: Inno Setup is ini-based and produces an exe file. Is exe file needed 
> when we just need a custom extension that our "kde-setup" app will recognize?
> IMHO, I guess that installing KDE apps will not be similar to installing 
> statically linked (or "all files in one dir") bundle as in windows. You have 
> rather something similar to Fink, with taking dependencies into account. And 
> kdewin32 installer gives us power here.
> There probably should not be "Select dest dir" question in the installer and 
> similar questions.
Isn't this required at least at the first start of installer ?
What about when users are working behind a firewall and need proxy ?
Where should the downloaded package will saved ?

The cygwin installer provides this too and this settings are important
to be entered at the first run. On further run, this settings should be
changeable by a specific button on the first page or a settings button
on every page if possible, but not be asked on every run. The cygwin
installer is in this area a bad example.

> The remaining thing is: we need something like Inno (no NSIS) for the KDE 
> runtimes installation (i.e. for bootstrapping). And here it of course can fit 
> well.
Why ? The installer could be linked to static qt versions to have only
one executable and reduzed in size to about 50-70% of the original size
with upx http://upx.sf.net. I have used this in the past already.


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