[Kde-games-devel] KGoldrunner problem in Windows

Ian Wadham ianw2 at optusnet.com.au
Sat Dec 22 22:49:55 CET 2007

> Andreas Pakulat schrieb:
> > Oh, last but not least: If you find problems that are specific to win32,
> > please send a mail to the kde-windows mailinglist as AFAIK noone (except
> > myself) of the kdewin-people read this list.
OK, I am switching this discussion to kde-windows.  I am the author of
KGoldrunner and would like to find out more about this problem and help
address it and any other problems that come up, although I do not have
a KDE Windows setup.  BTW KGr for KDE 4.0 is on bugzilla and my email
address is also in the code.

The problem with KGoldrunner was experienced by someone called Patrick
on the KDE 4 Windows team and was reported only indirectly to
kde-games-devel by Mauricio Piacentini.  Quoting Mauricio: "What happens is
that the game runs, but runners are not visible.  The background renders."

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 09:28 pm, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> And regarding your kgoldrunner problem - looks like someone forgot to
> read the QPainter docu. I really wonder why it worked on linux ... :)
So what does this mean, Christian?  And what are you implying? ... :-)

Here is a replay of some specific questions I posed on kde-games-devel, but
received no answer.  Maybe somebody in kde-windows can answer them.

  "I am sorry to hear (about the problem with KGr in Windows), but it is
  not unexpected.  How much of the background shows?  For example,
  in the Egypt theme, just the temple?  Or also the stones, ladders, bars
  and jewels?"

  "Not unexpected, why?  Because QTimer limitations in Windows have always
  worried me.  KGr sets all sorts of fancy and precise QTimers and intervals,
  one per runner at least, and the granularity (or lack of) in Windows clocks 
  would probably not support them.  See the disclaimer in the QTimer class
  doco entry."

  "Nevertheless, I would expect *some* runners to appear, even if they failed
  to move correctly.  Odd ... maybe there is something in KGameCanvas 
  sprites that Windows does not support ..."

  "If this becomes a showstopper, maybe you should withdraw KGoldrunner
  from Windows distributions of KDE 4.0."

Re the last remark, I understand now that KDE for Windows will not be
released before KDE 4.1, but some betas of KDE Games for Windows
are out there.  I cannot speak for all KDE Games authors, but I for one
am definitely not ready to support KGoldrunner in Windows yet.

All the best, Ian W.

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